How to install kali nethunter in android mobile

 Hello guys welcome to the Mr.Ethical YT blog. If you are searching for how to install "Kali nethunter rootless in android phone" then you are in the correct place and reading the right article. Today we are going install the Kali nethunter in android mobile without rooting it.

What is nethunter

The Kali NetHunter is a free and open source mobile penetration testing platform specifically developed for Android mobiles, based on the Kali Linux . The Kali NetHunter is also available for for both rooted devices (NetHunter Rootless), and also for rooted devices which have a standard recovery (NetHunter Lite), and for rooted devices with the custom recovery for which a NetHunter particular kernel is available (NetHunter).The official images are published by the Offensive Security on their download page and they are updated every quarter. NetHunter images with the custom kernels are published for the most popular supported devices, such as Google Nexus, Samsung Galaxy and OnePlus. Many more models are also supported, and images not published by Offensive Security can be generated using NetHunter build scripts.Kali NetHunter is maintained by a community of volunteers, and is funded by Offensive Security.


First of all install the NetHunter-Store app from

From the NetHunter Store, install the Termux and the NetHunter-KeX client 

Open the termux and give storage permission 


Update and upgrade termux repositories

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 

Install wget package

apt-get install wget -y

 Download the nethunter installer script by the command given below.

wget -O install-nethunter-termux 

 Give executable permission to the script

 chmod +x install-nethunter-termux 

 Run the script 


This will take while depending upon the internet connection speed.Dont close termux until the process gets completed 

After completion of the installation set the password .To set the password check the commands given below 


nethunter kex passwd  

This command will configure the KeX password it only needed before 1st use.

nethunter kex & 

This command will start the Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience user sessions 


 This command will start the Kali NetHunter command line interface 

nethunter kex stop 

This command will stop the Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience 

nethunter -r 

 This command will start the Kali NetHunter cli as root 

nethunter -r kex passwd 

 This command will configure the KeX password for root user.

nethunter -r kex & 

This command will start the Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience as root 

nethunter -r kex stop 

This command will stop the Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience root sessions 

nethunter -r kex kill 

This command will Kill all the KeX sessions 

nethunter <command> 

This command will  run in the NetHunter environment 

nethunter -r <command> 

 This command will run <command> in the NetHunter environment as root 

That's it for today guys hope you learnt something new let's meet in another post until the keep reading other posts bye.

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