Install hydra in termux

Hi guys welcome to the Mr.Ethical yt blog .If you are searching for "how to install hydra in termux" then you are in the correct place and reading the right article. Today we are going to learn to install the hydra to in termux without rooting mobile and without getting any errors.

What is hydra?

The Hydra or THC Hydra is a parallelized network login cracker built in various os(operating systems) like Kali Linux, Parrot os and other major penetration testing environments.Hydra works by using the different approaches to the perform the brute-force attacks in order to guess the right username and the password combination. Hydra is repeatedly used by the penetration testers together with a set of programmes like crunch, cupp etc, which are used to generate the wordlists. Hydra is then used to be test the attacks by using the wordlists that these programmes created.


First of all install install the termux app from F-droid if you haven't installed already.
Then update and upgrade it's repositories.
apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y

 Install the proot-distro 

apt-get install proot-distro -y

After installing the proot-distro install the ubuntu by running the command given below

proot-distro install ubuntu 

Then login into ubuntu 

proot-distro login ubuntu  

 Update and upgrade ubuntu 

apt update && apt upgrade 

 When this gets finished install the hydra tool.

apt install hydra 

 It will ask you continue so type Y.

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