Install AIRAVAT RAT on android 2022

 Hi guys welcome to this blogspot.In this blog post we are going install and setup AIRAVAT RAT in android mobile.


  • Read all the files of Internal Storage
  • Download Any Mediafrom Victims Device to your Device 
  • Get all the system information of the Victim Device
  • Retrieve the List of all Installed Applications
  • Retrive SMS
  • Retrive Call Logs
  • Retrive Contacts
  • Send SMS
  • Gets all the Notifications
  • Keylogger
  • Admin Permission
  • Show Phishing Pages to steal credentials through the notification.
  • Steal credentials through pre built phishing-pages
  • Open any suspicious website through notification to steal credentials of victim.
  • Record Audio
  • Play music in Victim's device
  • Vibrate Device
  • Text To Speech
  • Change Wallpaper
  • Run shell Commands
  • Pre Binded with Instagram Webview Phishing
  • Runs In Background
  • Auto starts on restarting the device
  • Auto starts when any notification arrives
  • No port forwarding needed 


First of all go to and sign in Google account.Create a project with the name you like after this click on three lines at top left of you screen you will see several sections click on the realtime database and create the realtime database. Afterwards go to rules and set both read and write to true so it would be look like this .

  "rules": {
    ".read": true,
    ".write": true
Then go the firebase storage create the storage Also set rules to true for both read and write this would be look like this. 

  rules_version = '2';
  service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
      match /{allPaths=**} {
         allow read, write 
Now go to project overview and click on add App then add android app and download the google-services.json file.

Also add a web app we have added web app now we have the copy the config,So click on apps ,As we added two apps select the web App scroll down there you will see javascript code code only the copy the function firebaseConfig.
Open new tab search visit this link and enable desktop site then download the zipfile of the repository.Open file manager and the the zip file.Open the AIRAVAT then WEB PANEL here you will find index.html file we have to edit this so open this file in any code editor or text editor and replace the firebaseConfig find from starting 17 to 24 with Config you have just copied from firebase.Save it .

We have to host this web Panel or just use the localhost.Iam using Sign in with gmail . It will asks us to choose wordpress or their own web builder scroll down and choose Upload your site it will take you to the new interface navigate to the public_html folder there click on upload icon then select files go to AIRAVAT/WEB PANEL folder and select the all files excluding directories then click upload.After uploading was completed come back and click on the url of the site.we have set everything to web panel.
Download apktool M from here.Open apktool M app navigate to AIRAVAT-main/ANDROID APP here you can see a apk click on that and decompile set mark to decompile classes.dex This will take some time wait until process gets completed.Go to res/values foleder and open strings.xml Also open google-services.json file in other code editor or text editor . Copy the firebaseurl from google-services.json file and simultaneously.Now again open strings.xml and scroll down slowly until you see a a string called firebase_database_url  paste in the place of value of firebase_database_url.Do this for strings name google_api_key,google_app_id,google_storage_bucket,project_id with values of current_key,mobilesdk_app_id,storage_bucket,project_id respectively.Now click on three lines then click on Compile this project then select aapt2 and click on ok wait until project gets completed. Now click on compiled apk and sign it .That's it we done everything and install the app and grant all permissions.Go to the web panel you can see device click on attack  and it will show all attcks it has like dump call logs,dump sms etc.

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