Install hydra in termux 2022

 Hi guys welcome to Mr.Ethical yt blog .In this blog post we are going to install a tool called hydra.

What is hydra

Hydra is a parallelized login cracker tool which will supports numerous protocols to attack. It's very fast and flexible, and the new modules are easy to add.This tool makes it possible for the researchers and the security consultants to show how easy it would be to the gain unauthorized access to a system remotely.


  • 50 MB internet data
  • Android android version 5.0.0 and higher
  • Rooted device


First of all install termux from F-droid and update && upgrade it.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 

 Install required packeges 

apt install  python php curl wget git nano -y

Clone hydra repository.

git clone

Change directory to thc-hydra 

cd thc-hydra

Run configure file 


Then type these two commands one by one.


make install 

It will take a while,so wait until it's get finished.

 After installation gets completed. Let's check the the tool.

.hydra -h 

Let's see how to attack a ftp port.

./hydra -l admin -P wordlist.txt ftp://localhost/

As you can see above command it's brute force passwords for username admin.

hydra -L user_names.txt -p mypassword ftp://localhost/

Above command brute force usernames with password test.

hydra -L user_names.txt -P wordlist.txt ftp://localhost/

Above command brute force both usernames and passwords.

That's it for this post guys hope you understand about hydra.

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