The OWASP Top 10 is a list of the most critical web application security vulnerabilities as identified by the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) community. These vulnerabilities are considered the most prevalent and dangerous to web applications, and should be prioritized by developers and security professionals when addressing application security.

  • Injection: 

This vulnerability allows an attacker to inject malicious code into a web application, which can then be executed on the server. This can be done through SQL, OS, or LDAP injection, and can lead to data theft, loss of service, or even complete system compromise.

  • Broken Authentication and Session Management:

 This vulnerability allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to a web application by exploiting weaknesses in the authentication and session management processes. This can include session hijacking, password cracking, or other attacks that allow the attacker to gain access to sensitive data or perform actions on behalf of a legitimate user.

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): 

This vulnerability allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts into a web page viewed by other users, which can then be executed by the browser. This can lead to data theft, phishing attacks, and other malicious activities.

  • Insecure Direct Object References: 

This vulnerability allows an attacker to gain access to sensitive data by manipulating the reference to an object within a web application. This can include accessing files or data that should not be publicly available, or modifying data that should not be modified.

  • Security Misconfiguration: 

This vulnerability occurs when a web application is not properly configured, allowing an attacker to gain unauthorized access or perform other malicious activities. This can include misconfigured servers, databases, or other components of the application.

  • Sensitive Data Disclosure:

 This vulnerability occurs when sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or personal information, is not properly protected and is disclosed to unauthorized parties.

  • Missing Function Level Access Control: 

This vulnerability occurs when a web application does not properly enforce access controls, allowing an attacker to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or perform other malicious activities.

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): 

This vulnerability allows an attacker to perform actions on behalf of a legitimate user, without their knowledge or consent. This can include making unauthorized transactions, changing settings, or other malicious activities.

  • Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities: 

This vulnerability occurs when a web application uses components, such as libraries or frameworks, that have known vulnerabilities. This can include outdated versions of software, or components that have been deprecated.

  • Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards: 

This vulnerability allows an attacker to redirect a user to a malicious website, or forward them to a different page within the application, by manipulating the redirect or forward process. This can lead to phishing attacks, data theft, or other malicious activities.

In conclusion, OWASP Top 10 is a comprehensive list of the most critical web application security vulnerabilities, and it is important for developers and security professionals to prioritize these vulnerabilities when addressing application security. By understanding the risks and implementing appropriate controls, organizations can protect their web applications and the sensitive data they contain.

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