Install metasploit in termux without root

Hi guys welcome to the Mr.Ethical YT blog.If you are searching for"how to install metasploit in termux" then you are in the correct place and you are reading the right article. Today we are going to install the Metasploit in termux without getting any errors and without rooting the mobile. 

What is metasploit

As we all know that the Metasploit is a Framework that is based on Ruby, modular penetration testing platform that will enables you to write, test, and execute the exploit code. The Metasploit Framework contains a set of tools that we can able to use to test security vulnerabilities, enumerate the networks, execute attacks, and evade detection. At its core, the Metasploit Framework is a combination of commonly used tools that provide a complete environment for the penetration testing and exploit development.

Installation of metasploit

First of all install the termux app from F-droid application if you haven't installed.
After installing the termux update and upgrade it's repositories.
apt-get update -y&& apt-get upgrade -y

 After that install the wget package

apt-get install wget
Download the metasploit installer script by the command given below.
Give executable permission to the script.
chmod +x
the above command will install the metasploit framework.Wait until the metasploit gets installed it will take a while depending upon on the internet speed.
After installation gets finished run the command 'msfconsole'.
Watch full video on youtube
That's it for today guys let's meet in another post until the keep reading other posts bye
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