How to install Xubuntu GUI in android mobile without rooting mobile

Hi guys welcome to the Mr.Ethical YT blog.  If you are searching for how to install Xubuntu graphical user interface in android then you are in the right place.Today we are going to install Xubuntu with gui in mobile without rooting it.

What is Xubuntu

Xubuntu is primarily a community-maintained derivative of the Ubuntu os(operating system). The xubuntu is developed by the Community. It was initially released on the date of 23 June 2006. Xubuntu is a combination of both XFCE and the Ubuntu. The desktop environment of Xubuntu is XFCE which is light, stable, and configurable. It works well also on older hardware.

Difference between the Xubuntu and the Ubuntu

Xubuntu :

  1. Xubuntu was originally developed by the Community.
  2. Xubuntu is primarily a community maintained derivative of the Ubuntu os(operating system).
  3. It has XFCE and thats is stable, light, and configurable.
  4. The desktop environment is deliberate to the minimize system resources.
  5. It works very well also on the older hardware.
  6. It has a good modern look as compared with the Ubuntu and has lots of features.


  1. Ubuntu was originally developed by the Canonical. 
  2. Ubuntu is a free and open-source Linux distribution which is based on the Debian.
  3. It doesn’t have the XFCE.
  4. It has finite desktop customization options.
  5. It has a powerful search tool with the extensive filters.
  6. It doesn’t have the modern look as compared with the Xubuntu.


First of all install the application Termux application from F-droid and update & upgrade its repositories.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

 Install the proot-distro .

apt-get install proot-distro 

After installing the proot-distro install the ubuntu by executing the command

proot-distro install ubuntu

When the ubuntu installation gets finished loging in to the ubuntu by running this command.

proot-distro login ubuntu 

Update and upgrade the ubuntu

apt-get update && apt upgrade 

Now Install the sudo nano 

apt-get install sudo nano 

Add a user to ubuntu with any name(adduser anyname).In my case it's my name jithendar

adduser jithendar 

It will asks you to enter a password .Enter a password which you want to set to the user.confirm the password by entering it again.

Now it asks you for some details like full name,Room no etc just ignore them .Skip them by pressing Enter .

 We have added the user . Now we have to add this user in sudoers file.For that type the command given below

nano /etc/sudoers 

You will see the sudoers file.Scrolldown you will see the text comment "User privilege specification" below this line you can see the root user this line look like 

"root      ALL=(ALL:ALL)ALL 

under this line we have to add the user.

jithendar   ALL=(ALL:AKL)ALL.

replace the the name "jithendar" with the name of the user you have added.

Save the changes you have done by pressing CTRL+s and exit by pressing CTRL+x.

Now remove .bashrc file.

rm .bashrc

Copy the .bashrc file which is in the user directory

cp /home/jithendar/.bashrc .

Replace the name "jithendar" with the username of yours.

logout from ubuntu by the command logout.


 Make a file with name ubuntu in the termux directory $PREFIX/bin 

nano $PREFIX/bin 

paste the below command.

proot-distro login --user jithendar ubuntu 

Give your user name in the place of "jithendar"

Then save by pressing CTRL+s and exit by pressing CTRL+x

Give executable permissions to it.

chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/ubuntu

Now when you run the command ubuntu you will login in to the ubuntu as user you have added.


After running the command ubuntu you will get login into the ubuntu now update the ubuntu.

sudo apt update

Now it will ask the password enter the password you have set to the user.

When update gets finished install the Xubunt desktop by the command given below 

sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop xfce4-terminal tigervnc-standalone-server

This command will take a while depending upon the internet connection speed wait until it gets finished .

Now run these two commands given belowone by one 

echo "vncserver -geometry 1280x720 -xstartup /bin/startxfce4" >> /bin/vncstart. 

echo "rm -rf /tmp && mkdir /tmp && vncserver -kill :1" >> /bin/vncstop 

Give executable permissions to both vncstart and vncstop 

chmod +x /bin/vncstart 

chmod +x /bin/vncstop 

That's it we have successfully installed Xubuntu GUI on our android phone.Lets run the Xubuntu by typing vncstart


It will ask you for a password enter a password and verify then type n for View only password.

This command will start server for Xubuntu and don't remove the termux from background.

Now open the VNC Viewer app and click the plus symbol at bottom right of the screen.

We can see it will ask us two parameters one is Address and another is name.

In the Address section enter the localhost:1


In the Name section give any name and click on create.

Tap on the connect you have enter password you had given for vncstart command enter it and click on ok.

Before you close the Xubuntu run the command vncstop else when you start vncstart next time the port number will change so you have to chanege port number in the vncviewer like localhost:portnumber

That's it for today guys hope you learnt something new let's meet in another post until then keep reading other posts bye.

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