Create fully undetectable payloads for android

Hi guys welcome to my blog in this blog we are going learn about making FUD(fully undetectable ) payloads for android. U can choose any payload and make it undetectable. In this blog iam using lemon rat to show you how it was done.First of install install lemon rat if you haven't. 


First of all install the termux application from F-droid if you haven't installed it already.

Then update and upgrade it's repositories by the command given below.

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Give the storage permission to termux by running the command given below.


Download apkmod .deb file and Lemon rat .deb file.

After downloading the two files copy them to the termux home directory.

Copy lemon rat Deb file by this command.

cp /sdcard/Download/lemon_2.1-2_all.deb $HOME 

Copy apkmod2 Deb file by this command. 

cp apkmod2_1.3-4_aarch64.deb $HOME 

 Now Install the lemon rat and apkmod2 by  running these two commands one by one.


dpkg -i lemon_2.1-2_all.deb


dpkg -i apkmod2_1.3-4_aarch64.deb

That's it you have successfully installed lemonrat in termux.

Now let's set the password. Go to this site Md5hash generator enter password the which you want to set to lemon then click on generate.It will generate the MD5 hash of your password . Copy the hash of your password

Open termux and go the directory /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/lemon/server.

cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/lemon/server

Type ls you will see a file with name maindb.json


We have to edit this file inorder to set the password with command nano.

nano maindb.json 

Paste the hash you have copied in the line password it have to be look like this 

"password": "your hash",

After pasting the hash save the file by clicking the CTRL+S the CTRL+X to exit

That's it we had set the password

Creating the payload with lemon

Run lemonrat by executing the command lemon

open your browser and navigate to the url localhost:22553


Go to build section and enter the ip then click on build wait until the payload gets builded

After payload get builded open termux and go to the directory lemonrat there you will the find the payload with name L3MON.apk copy it to your internal storage 

cp L3MON.apk /sdcard

Let's test the payload is undetectable or not 

When we try to install the payload it is easily detected by the Google Play Protect.                       

Let's make the payload undetectable

Making the payload undetectable

Open playstore and search for apksigner Download the app

Open it.At bottom right side you can see two options sign a live app and sign a file click on sign a file and select the payload which we want to make undetectable 

It will sign the apk after signing was completed you can find the signed apk with name L3MON.signed.apk 

Try to install it .We can see that it was not detected by Google Play Protect

That's it for today guys hope you learnt something new let's meet in another post until the keep reading other posts bye.

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