Install parrot in termux 2022

Hi guys welcome to Mr.Ethical YT.If you are searching about installing parrot os in termux then you are reading correct article . Today in this article Iam going to explain about how to install parrot os in termux without getting any errors and without rooting our phone.So without getting any late let's get into the topic.

How to install parrot os in termux


Parrot Security (Parrot,PARROT OS) is a Free and Open source GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Stable designed for security specialists, developers and for people who are conscious about privacy.

It contains full portable arsenal for IT security and digital forensics operations. It also includes everything you need to develop your own programs or protect your privacy while browsing the internet.

Parrot is available in three main editions they are Home, Security and Architect Edition, even as Virtual Machine (Parallels,Virtual Box and VMware), on Raspberry Pi and also on Docker.

From version 5.0 LTS, support for ARM platforms (arm64 and armhf) is back, and some images are also available for boards like Raspberry Pi.

The parrot operating system ships by default with MATE Desktop Environment, but it's possible to install others DEs.


  1. Termux
  2. Internet connection
  3. 1gb space or more 


Make sure you have followed the requirements.

First of all install the termux app from F-droid.

After installing open Termux and update it by typing below.

apt update && apt upgrade

Now we have to install some required packages like wget,open-ssl,proot,hash by typing the following.

apt install wget open-ssl proot -y && hash -r 

Make sure you are in home directory.If you are not in home directory go to home directory.

cd $HOME 

Once you installed all the required packages download the parrot-os installer shell script.


Now it's time to run the shell script we installed.

bash parrot sh

The installation process will take some time.It will depends upon the internet connection speed you get.Wait until the installation process gets 100% completed.

After installation process gets completes type ls then you will see a shell script with name to launch our parrot-os we have to execute this script .


Now you will see parrot-os os command line interface. Before doing anything we have to update and upgrade it.

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 

This will also take some time to update our os so wait until it completely finished.After that lets try to install some tool. 

apt install neofetch 

After installing it run neofetch to start the tool.


 This command will show the information about the os and our device.We have successfully installed the parrot os in termux without rooting our phone.Now let's create our own command to start the parrot os so that we can easily launch the os.

type exit 


using nano open a file with any name you like in the bin directory.Iam going open it with name parrot.

nano $PREFIX/bin/parrot 

paste this in that file.


After pasting save the file by pressing CTRL and s.

Exit by pressing CTRL and x.

Give executable file permission to our file.

chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/parrot 

Now launch or parrot-os by typing parrot.

That's it for today guys we installed parrot os COMMAND LINE INTERFACE (CLI).Next we are going setup GRAPHIC USER INTERFACE (GUI) for parrot os until then keep visiting our blog and Learn something new Bye.


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