Install parrot os desktop in android without root 2022

Hi guys welcome to Mr. Ethical YT . If you are searching about installing Parrot os desktop (GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE) then you are reading the right article. Today we are going to talk about installing Parrot os with gui.We already learn to install Parrot os without graphical user interface if you have read that article you can check that here.


Make use you installed Parrot os in termux if you haven't follow this post and install it .Once you installed Parrot os follow these steps to setup graphical user interface.
First open termux and login to parrot.After login update and upgrade it.
apt update.
apt update && apt upgrade 

 Install sudo 

apt install sudo 

Install dbus-x11.

apt install dbus-x11

Now add a user with your name or your preferred name. In my case it's "jithu"

adduser jithu 

It will asks you for a password you have to remember it for future logins.After verifying password just click enter five times then it will ask you is this correct information the  you have to type and enter.Yoi have added user now open a file in directory /etc/sudoers.d with the name you added user.In my case it's /etc/sudoers.d/jithu.

nano /etc/sudoers.d/jithu 

Now in this file first enter the  name of the user we have added now the. Paste this "ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL".


then save it pressing CTRL and c then exit by  pressing. CTRL and x.

Now paste the command given below.

wget && bash

This will take a while depending the internet connection speed you have wait until it 100 percent completes.After it completes it will automatically start vncserver stop it by typing vncserver-stop.


Now Install tightvncserver.

apt install tightvncserver 

open tightvncserver file in bin directory.

nano /usr/bin/tightvncserver 

 Scroll down slightly.

In line "$geometry="change it according to you display size for me it's 2280x1080. Save it by Pressing CTRL and c then exit by pressing CTRL and x.

After that change to user you have added.

su jithu 

Enter the password you had set.Now run the tightvncserver.


It asks you a password enter a password and verify it.This password is required for further use so remember it.Now you came that tightvncserver is started.

Open nethunter kex app if you haven't installed it ,you can install form nethunter-store.

Once you open the app you will see the interface as shown in the above image.Remove port 5900 and set it to 1 alse remove :1 after localhost.In VNC password section enter the password you had set to tightvncserver then click on connect.That it we have successfully installed desktop of parrot-os.If you have any doubts regarding this you can message in telagram group or Instagram.

That's it for today guys. Let's meet in another post until the keep reading my other posts bye

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