Install vscode on android (parrot os) 2022

 Hi guys welcome to the Mr.Ethical YT.If you are searching for "how to install VScode in android "then you are in the correct and you are reading the right article.Today we are going to learn to install the VScode in android with use of parrot os mobile without rooting mobile.

What is VSCODE ?

As we all know  Visual Studio Code, also commonly or famously referred to as VS Code.VS Code is a source-code editor that is made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and it has  features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, snippets, intelligent code completion, code refactoring, and embedded Git. Users can also change the theme,preferences, keyboard shortcuts and install extensions that add additional functionality.Although the editor is comparatively lightweight, it includes some of the powerful features that have made the VS Code one of the most popular development environment tools in the recent times.




1gb or more space


Make sure you have followed the requirements.

First of all install the termux app from F-droid.

After installing open Termux and update it by typing below.
apt update && apt upgrade
Now we have to install some required packages like wget,open-ssl,proot,hash by typing the following.
apt install wget open-ssl proot -y && hash -r 
Make sure you are in home directory.If you are not in home directory go to home directory.
cd $HOME 
Once you installed all the required packages download the parrot-os installer shell script.
Now it's time to run the shell script we installed.
bash parrot sh
The installation process will take some time.It will depends upon the internet connection speed you get.Wait until the installation process gets 100% completed.

After installation process gets completes type ls then you will see a shell script with name to launch our parrot-os we have to execute this script .
Now you will see parrot-os os command line interface. Before doing anything we have to update and upgrade it.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 
This will also take some time to update our os so wait until it completely finished.After that lets try to install some tool. 
apt install neofetch 
After installing it run neofetch to start the tool.


 This command will show the information about the os and our device.We have successfully installed the parrot os in termux with rooting or phone.Now let's create our own command to start the parrot os so that we can easily launch the os.

type exit 
using nano open a file with any name you like in the bin directory.Iam going open it with name parrot.
nano $PREFIX/bin/parrot 
paste this in that file.
After pasting save the file by pressing CTRL and s.

Exit by pressing CTRL and x.

Give executable file permission to our file.

chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/parrot 
Now launch or parrot-os by typing parrot.

Desktop setup

First open termux.Type ls 
You will see script here.
Open it with nano.

This this file you will see this line as commented "command+=" -b /sdcard" 

You have to uncomment it by remove the hash symbol.Then save it by pressing CTRL and s then exit by pressing CTRL and x.

 After this login to parrot.After login update and upgrade it.
apt update.
apt update && apt upgrade 
 Install sudo 
apt install sudo 
Install dbus-x11.

apt install dbus-x11
Now add a user with your name or your preferred name. In my case it's "jithu"

adduser jithu 
It will asks you for a password you have to remember it for future logins.After verifying password just click enter five times then it will ask you is this correct information the you have to type and enter.Yoi have added user now open a file in directory /etc/sudoers.d with the name you added user.In my case it's /etc/sudoers.d/jithu.

nano /etc/sudoers.d/jithu 
Now in this file first enter the name of the user we have added now the. Paste this "ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL".

then save it pressing CTRL and c then exit by pressing. CTRL and x.

Now paste the command given below.

wget && bash
This will take a while depending the internet connection speed you have wait until it 100 percent completes.After it completes it will automatically start vncserver stop it by typing vncserver-stop.

Now Install tightvncserver.

apt install tightvncserver 
open tightvncserver file in bin directory.

nano /usr/bin/tightvncserver 
 Scroll down slightly.
In line "$geometry="change it according to you display size for me it's 2280x1080. Save it by Pressing CTRL and c then exit by pressing CTRL and x.
After that change to user you have added.
su jithu 
Enter the password you had set.Now run the tightvncserver.
It asks you a password enter a password and verify it.This password is required for further use so remember it.Now you came that tightvncserver is started.
Open nethunter kex app if you haven't installed it ,you can install form nethunter-store.

Once you open the app you will see the interface as shown in the above image.Remove port 5900 and set it to 1 alse remove :1 after localhost.In VNC password section enter the password you had set to tightvncserver then click on connect.That it we have successfully installed desktop of parrot-os.


Make sure you have followed above all the steps and installed parrot os.
First open termux and login to parrot-os.
Update and upgrade it's repositories.
apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y
Now open any browser Download the vscode .Deb from the site and make sure it's arm64.

Go to parrot os again.Change directory to downloads folder in sdcard.

cd /sdcard/Download

copy the vscode Deb file to home directory.

cp code_1.69.2-1658161440_arm64.deb /home

Then change directory to home.

cd /home

Install the vs code by the command given below.

dpkg -i code_1.69.2-1658161440_arm64.deb 

After that start the tightvncserver.


Open nethunter kex and connect to desktop.

Then open the terminal.Open /bin/code file with nano.

nano /bin/code

Scroll down till end there you will see this line ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE to the end of this line add --no-sandbox.


Save it by Pressing CTRL and s the exit by pressing CTRL and x.

Start the vscode by running the code in terminal.

That's it we have successfully installed the vscode in android mobile without rooting it.Thats it for today guys hope you find this post helpful. Let's meet in the another post until then keep reading other posts. Bye.

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