Install hashcat in termux 2022

Hi guys welcome to the MR.ETHICAL YT blog.Today in this post we are going to learn to install hashcat tool in termux without root.

What are hashes?

A hash is a mathematical function which converts an input of arbitrary length into an encrypted output of a fixed length. Thus nevertheless of the original amount of data or file size involved, its unique hash will always be the same size. Furthermore, hashes cannot be used to "reverse engineer" the input from the hashed output, since hash functions are "one way" (like a meat grinder; you can't put the ground beef back into a steak). Still, if you use such a function on the same data, its hash will be identical, so you can validate that the data is the same (i.e., unaltered) if you already know its hash. 

What is HashCat 

The Hashcat is a password cracking tool used for legitimate and illegitimate purposes.

Hashat is a specific efficient, fast and versatile hacking tool that assists the brute-force attacks by conducting them with the hash values of passwords that the tool is guessing or applying. When used for kind purposes, such as in the penetration testing one’s own infrastructure, it can reveal the compromised or easy to guess credentials.

Hashcat is, however, better known for being used for iniquitous purposes. Hackers use the Hashcat, readily available for download on all of the  major operating systems, to automate the attacks against passwords and other shared secrets. It gives the user the ability to brute-force the credential stores using the known hashes, to conduct dictionary attacks and rainbow tables, and to reverse engineer thr readable information on user behavior into hashed-password combination attacks.


First of all install termux application from F-droid
After installing the termux app open it. Update and upgrade all its repositories.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Install the proot-distro for install the Linux distros in termux.
apt-get install proot-distro  

Then see all the available Linux distro by executing the command given below.

proot-distro list 

Now the install  any of your favourite Linux distributions.Iam going to install the ubuntu by running the below command.

proot-distro install ubuntu

We installed the ubuntu distro in termux let's create a shortcut to login quickly into ubuntu.For the create a file with name ubuntu in the bin directory.

nano $PREFIX/bin/ubuntu

The above command will open a with name ubuntu in the directory of bin.In this file paste the below command.

proot-distro login ubuntu

Now save it.If you don't know how to do it simply press on CTRL and c then it will save.After that exit from that file by pressing CTRL and x.

Now just run "ubuntu"


You will be login as root user in ubuntu.Update and upgrade the all repositories of ubuntu.

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 

Once the above process gets completed install the hashcat.

sudo apt-get install hashcat

After hashcat gets hash -h for help.

hashcat -h

This will show all the options to use hashcat.

That's it for today guys let's meet in another post until then keep reading other posts of my blog bye.

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