How to install ghidra in android

 Hi guys welcome to Mr.Ethical YT.If you are searching for "how to install ghidra in android" then you are in the right place. Today we are going to install ghidra in android.


Install termux from F-droid and update its repositories.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y 

 Install proot-distro.

apt install proot-distro 

Install ubuntu via proot-distro.

proot-distro install ubuntu

 Login to ubuntu.

proot-distro login ubuntu 

Update ubuntu.

apt update && apt upgrade -y 

Install sudo and nano 

apt-get install sudo nano 

Add a user with your name.

adduser jithendar  

 We have to add this user in sudoers file.Open sudoers file with nano.

nano /etc/sudoers 

Scroll down you will see the comment "User privilege specification" below this line you can see the root user this line look like this "root ALL=(ALL:ALL)ALL"

Under this line add your user.

jithendar ALL=(ALL:AKL)ALL 

 Save it. Remove the .bashrc.

rm .bashrc

Copy .bashrc file which is in the user directory

cp /home/jithendar/.bashrc 

 Now setup the graphical user interface.

sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop xfce4-terminal tigervnc-standalone-server 

Create a file to start vncserver 

 echo "vncserver -geometry 1280x720 -xstartup /bin/startxfce4" >> /bin/vncstart 

Install open-jdk 

apt-get install open-jdk11-jdk unzip

Install wget package.

apt install wget

Download ghidra zip.


Unzip it.


Download ghidra icon.

wget -O ghidra.png 

 Move the image to icons directory.

mv ghidra.png /usr/share/icons

Now start the vncserver.


Now open the VNC Viewer app and click the plus symbol at bottom right of the screen.

We can see it will ask us two parameters one is Address and another is name.

In the Address section enter the localhost:1


In the Name section give any name and click on create.

Tap on the connect you have enter password you had given for vncstart command enter it and click on ok.

create a file with name ghidra.desktop

nano ghidra.desktop

Paste the below text.

[Desktop Entry]





Save it .

Move it to applications directory

sudo mv ghidra.desktop /usr/share/applications/ 

Search for ghidra in applications and open it by clicking on it. 

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