How to install Arch Linux in android

 Hi guys welcome to Mr ethical yt blog.Today we are going to install Arch Linux in android device without root.

What is arch Linux

The Arch Linux is an open source and independent Linux distribution that cling to the principles of simplicity, lightweight, fustiness, pragmatism, stoner centrality, and versatility. It's a minimalist, and bleeding edge distro that targeting complete GNUor Linux druggies over the idea of trying to be appealing to as a lot of druggies as possible. Arch promotes the do- it- yourself station among the druggies and therefore it provides you with the freedom to tweak your system according to the requirements of yours. 


Install termux from F-droid.
update and upgrade it. 
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade-y 
Install proot-distro.
apt install proot-distro 
Install archlinux via proot-distro 
proot-distro install archlinux
Login to archlinux.
proot-distro login archlinux 

Run this command 

pacman  -Syee

Update and install some some required packages.
pacman -S sudo wget nano dbus-x11
Add user with your name.
adduser jithendar 

Create file inside sudoers folder with your user name. 

nano /etc/sudoers.d/jithender  

 Add this line, Replace my name with your username.

jithender ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL 

Run this command.

pacman -Sy --noconfirm wget && wget && bash 

 Stop the vncserver.


Install tigervnc.

pacman -S tigervnc

Start vncserver.

vncserver :1

Save changes by pressing CTRL and s then exit by pressing CTRL and x.
Open nethunter kex.
Fill required fields.

Tap on connect it will open gui.
That's it guys.
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