How to install wireshark on android

 Hi guys welcome to Mr.Ethical yt . If you are searching "how to install wireshark on android" then you are in correct place .Today we are going to install wireshark on android device.


First of all install termux from F-droid. 
Update and upgrade termux repositories 
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade-y 

Install proot-distro.

apt-get install proot-distro 

Install the ubuntu with proot-distro.

 proot-distro install ubuntu 

 Login into ubuntu.

proot-distro login ubuntu  

Update and upgrade ubuntu 

apt-get update && apt upgrade 

Now Install sudo and  nano 

apt-get install sudo nano 

Add a user to ubuntu with any name it your wish.In my case it's my name jithendar

adduser jithendar 

This will asks you to enter a password .Enter a password that you wanted to set to the user.Confirm the password by entering it again.

Now it will asks you for details like full name,Room no etc just ignore them .Skip them by pressing the Enter button .

 We added user . Now we have to add this user in the sudoers file.For that type the command given below

nano /etc/sudoers 

You will see the sudoers file.Scrolldown you will see the text comment "User privilege specification" below this line you can see the root user this line look like "root ALL=(ALL:ALL)ALL "

under this line we have to add the user.

jithendar ALL=(ALL:AKL)ALL.

replace the name "jithendar" with the name of the user you have added to ubuntu.

Save changes you have made by pressing CTRL+s and exit by pressing CTRL+x.

Now remove .bashrc file. 

rm .bashrc 

Copy the .bashrc file which is in the user directory

cp /home/yourname/.bashrc . 

Now let's setup the gui environment.

Copy and paste the below commands 

sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop xfce4-terminal tigervnc-standalone-server

echo "vncserver -geometry 1280x720 -xstartup /bin/startxfce4" >> /bin/vncstart. 

echo "rm -rf /tmp && mkdir /tmp && vncserver -kill :1" >> /bin/vncstop  

Give executable permissions.

 chmod +x /bin/vncstart 

chmod +x /bin/vncstop  

Type vncstart to run the server.


Open vncviewer.

 Add a new connection.

Type localhost:1 

And click on create.

Tap on connect and enter your password to access gui. 

Install wireshark by running the below command.

apt install wireshark-gtk 

Launch the wireshark by typing wireshark-gtk 


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