Install phonesploit in termux 2022

 Hi guys welcome to Mr.Ethical Yt blog.If you search for about "how to install phonesploit in termux" then you are in the correct place and you are reading right article. Today we are going learn about installing phonesploit in termux without getting any errors.

What is phone phonesploit

Phonesploit is a python based script from which we can run ADB(ANDROID DEBUG BRIDGE) by just using an option through this tool and there is no need of a high-end device to use this ,but the only need to run this device is you need a target device and termux that's all. Now you have to  follow the below steps to install and use phonesploit in termux, ( Note:- This tool won't work if your target device didn't have the option of ADB over wifi.

What is ADB 

ADB(Android Debug Bridge)is a flexible command line tool that will lets you to communicate with a device. The ADB was used to communicate with a smartphone,smartwatch, tablet, set-top box, or any other device that can able to run the Android operating system. We can do things on Android device that may be not appropriate for everyday use, like access hidden features, install apps from outside of the Play Store, debug apps, and bring up a UNIX shell, etc. For some security reasons, Developer-Options should need to be unlocked and you need to have USB Debugging Mode enabled as well. Not only that, but also you need to have authorize USB Debugging access to the particular PC that you’re connected to with a USB cable. It is a client server program that includes these three components

  • A client, which will sends commands. The client that will runs on your development machine. You can invoke a client from a command line terminal by running an adb command.
  • A daemon, which will runs commands on a device. The daemon that runs as a background process on each devices.
  • A server, which will manages communication between the client and the daemon. The server that will runs as a background process on your development machine. 


first of all install termux from F-droid application.
After installing termux open it and update & upgrade.
apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y
Install python and python2
apt-get install python -y && apt-get install python2 -y 

 Install git.

apt-get install git 

Clone the phonesploit repository from github.

git clone

Change directory to Phonesploit.

cd Phonesploit 

 Install colorama.

pip2 install colorama 

After installing colorama change directory to home 

cd $HOME

Install the all required and ADB tools. 

apt update > /dev/null 2>&1 && apt --assume-yes install wget > /dev/null 2>&1 && wget -q && bash

Now after the installation gets completed.

change directory to Phonesploit

cd $HOME/Phonesploit 

Run the phonesploit by runn the command. 


Now type y thats it the phonesploit will starts running.

To control the device.The ADB must need to be enabled.

That's it for today guys let's meet on another post.

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