Install VS code in android 2022

 Hi guys welcome to Mr.Ethical YT blog.If you are searching about "how to install VS Code in android then you are in the correct place and you are reading the right article.Today we are going to learn about installing VS code in android mobile with rooting it.

What is VS CODE ?

As we all know that Visual Studio Code, also commonly or famously referred to as VS Code.VS Code is a source-code editor that is made by the Microsoft for Windows, Linux and it has  features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, snippets, intelligent code completion, code refactoring, and embedded Git. Users can also change the theme,preferences, keyboard shortcuts and install extensions that add additional functionality.Although the editor is comparatively lightweight, it includes some of the powerful features that have made the VS Code one of the most popular development environment tools in the recent times.


First of all install the termux app from F-droid application.After installing the termux open it  we need to update and upgrade it all repositories.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 

Install the proot-distro.So we can install the Linux distros like Kali, ubuntu.

apt-get install proot-distro

We installed proot-distro now we will use it to install ubuntu.

proot-distro install ubuntu

Now let's make it easy to login into ubuntu.Open a a file with name ubuntu in the bin directory with nano.

nano $PREFIX/bin/ubuntu

Paste the below command in that file.

proot-distro login ubuntu 

Save it by Pressing CTRL and c then exit by pressing CTRL and x.

Now just type ubuntu. Now you can see we have login into ubuntu.

First update and upgrade it.

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 

Install curl.

apt-get install curl 

 Download the latest release of the code-server by executing the below command.

curl -fsSL | sh 

Change directory to bin.

cd /bin

Setup password for vscode.

export PASSWORD="yourpassword"

Now type code-server and thats it out our VS code server started .Just go to localhost:8080 and there's you VS code.

That's it for today guys let's meet in another post until the bye.

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