Hack social media accounts with hidden eye

Hi guys welcome to the Mr.Ethical YT blog. If you are searching about "how to install hidden eye in termux" then you are in the correct place and you are reading the right article today we are going learn about installing hidden eye without rooting.S

What is hiddeneye

The phishing attacks are the most executed attacks in the real world. Phishing is a social-engineering attack in which a victim is being asked for sensitive data or tricked and the sensitive data is being captured by the attacker. A genuine website is being cloned or faked and assumed that the cloned website is genuine. There are various techniques to make  phishing pages. The HiddenEye is an automated tool that is the best in the category of Phishing attacks. HiddenEye tool is developed in the Python Language and it is available on the GitHub platform, it is free and open-source to use. HiddenEye tool supports all major sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc social platforms.


First of all install termux from F-droid.
Open termux and update & upgrade it's repositories.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Install the packages python ,git and php.
apt-get install git && apt-get install python && apt-get install php
Now clone the hidden eye repository from github.
git clone https://github.com/Morsmalleo/HiddenEye.git
Change the directory to HiddenEye-Lagacy
cd HiddenEye
Install the requirements with pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
We have successfully installed hidden eye in termux without getting any errors.Lets launch it by executing the below command.
python HiddenEye.py
That's it we have successfully installed HiddenEye tool in termux without root.Bye

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