Install routersploit in termux in 2022

 Hi guys welcome to the MR.ETHICAL YT.If you are searching about"how to install routersploit in termux then you are reading the right article.So today we are going to learn about installing routersploit in termux without getting any errors.

What is Routersploit

The RouterSploit Framework is an open-source exploitation framework dedicated to embedded devices.It consists of various modules that aids penetration testing operations:

  • exploits - the modules that will take advantage of identified vulnerabilities
  • creds - the modules that are designed to test credentials against the network services
  • scanners - the modules that will check if a target is vulnerable to any exploit
  • payloads - the modules that are responsible for generating the payloads for various architectures and injection points
  • generic - modules that perform generic attacks


First of all install termux from F-droid.
We need to update and upgrade it's repositories.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 
Then install all required packages.
pkg update && pkg install git python python3 rust libsodium
Clone the routersploit repository from github.
git clone 

 Change directory to routersploit

cd routersploit

Now we need to install Cryptography for that we have to export cargo_build_target to aarch64-linux-android.

export CARGO_BUILD_TARGET=aarch64-linux-android 

 Then install cryptography.

pip install cryptography --no-binary cryptography 

Install pynacl.

SODIUM_INSTALL=system pip install pynacl 

 Now Install the all required packages with pip3.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Once the above steps completes.Run the routersploit too by executing the below command.


 That's it we have successfully installed Routersploit in termux.

That's it for today guys let's meet in another post.hope you learn something about routersploit.Bye..

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